We offer three overlapping services for businesses looking to make more sustainable choices in their use of plastics.

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We can provide free support to SMEs:

  • Based in Greater Manchester
  • With less than 250 employees
  • Less than €50m turnover


Free impartial sustainability advice for businesses looking to make a change in their use of plastics

We can provide 12 hours of free support to eligible businesses including online learning & discovery sessions, challenge focused consultations and bespoke business advice.

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Performing assessments on the materials used in products, packaging and components to inform more sustainable choices.

We can perform technical assessments of business needs and product evaluations. Depending on the type of problem that needs addressing, the SMI Hub has a unique combination of state-of-the-art equipment and capabilities available to assess material properties, performance, and durability.

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Bespoke collaborations to create new ambitious innovations and technologies that address sustainability challenges for businesses.

The SMI Hub is motivated to achieve real change. We can work with businesses on medium to long-term projects to meet the demand for disruptive solutions to combat plastics pollution and help stimulate a more circular economy.

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We've worked with companies from all over the world

We collaborate with industry to co-create trusted sustainable solutions for plastics use

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