Our Researchers

The Green Materials Lab exists on the cutting edge of polymer science, looking to transition the world into a circular plastics economy.

Current Team

We have a interdiscplinary team of researchers, experimental officers and fellows pushing the boundaries in plastics sustainability.

Green Materials Lab

Prof Michael Shaver

Director | Sustainable Materials Innovation Hub


Chief Sleeping Officer


Chief Eating Officer

Dr Ciaran Lahive

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr Chloe Loveless

Senior Experimental Officer

Dr Nicola Jones

Experimental Officer

Dr Parnian Doostdar


Dr Mo Jamali

Chemical Materials Design Technician

Dr Jair Esquivel

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr Stephen Lowe

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr Lynn Anderson

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr Christina Picken

Postdoctoral Researcher

Arpan Patel

Postgraduate Researcher

Ziwei Xu

Postgraduate Researcher

Henry Jones

Postgraduate Researcher

Yuyao Wang

Postgraduate Researcher

Eloise Billington

Postgraduate Researcher

Dominic Harris-Jukes

Postgraduate Researcher

Saleh Soomro

Postgraduate Researcher

Robbie Clark

Postgraduate Researcher

Jordan Holland

Postdoctoral Researcher

Orla Buensoz

Postgraduate Researcher

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